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drain bars

The lower plastic seal, the so-called drain bar, keeps the water inside the shower cubicle. The bottom-facing lip is made of soft, high-quality plastic, making the door easy to open even after multiple uses. The web, which is aligned at a 45-degree angle, directs the water running off the glass into the shower area. Our drain strips are available for all shower cubicles with a glass thickness of 6mm or 8mm. The seals can either be ordered directly in the appropriate length, or alternatively, in a cost-effective universal length. You can do this with simple means, e.g. B. a rose scissors, cutter or puk saw to the right length.

Tip: Easily replace calcified or discolored seals. Simply pull off the seal and, after carefully cleaning the glass, attach the new drain strip. Complete.

anti-slosh bar

The anti-splash strip serves as an additional water stopper and is installed on the shower surface or the floor and then sealed. This increases the tightness of the shower cubicle. When laying a surge protection strip, please ensure that the floor is free of water and dust. The scope of delivery includes double-sided adhesive pads for positioning - the final seal is made with the help of silicone.

Tip: For even better results with the silicone joint, use our HÜPPE joint scraper. This is how everyone really succeeds in getting the perfect finish.